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Truck Accident Document Checklist to Have When Meeting Your Lawyer

In 2019 alone, over 5,000 trucks were involved in fatal car accidents, and more of them caused mild to severe injuries.

Now the thing is, truck accidents happen to be worse than car accidents due to the weight of the trucks and the heavy loads they carry. Trucks have a hard time coming to a stop as fast as cars, and hence crashes tend to be more severe.

Now, if you’ve been involved in a truck accident, it’s imperative that you have a proper truck accident document checklist in order to get the compensation you deserve. There are several crucial documents that your accident lawyer must have if they’re going to win the claim.

In this post, we provide you with the most accurate truck accident document checklist to help you win your case.

A Police Report

A police report would be your very first step in order to get the truck accident claim underway. This is because it’s paramount that you have an objective third-party taking down notes of everything that happened, without any bias whatsoever. The first responders to the scene, or the police officers,  took down a police report detailing everything about the accident.

Information about the types of vehicles involved in the accidents, and owners of said vehicles. It documents witnesses, weather conditions, traffic conditions, and a lot more. Go to the nearest police station for the police report and present it to your truck accident lawyer.

Your Medical Report

After a car accident, you’d need medical treatment for injuries sustained. Most people involved in truck accidents require immediate medical attention, most of which are severe and can lead to permanent injuries. It’s of absolute importance that you present your truck accident lawyer with a detailed report of your medical injuries.

The report must include your truck accident injury, treatment method, prescription medications, and all the bills involved. If you were to have surgery, see a chiropractor, a physiotherapist, or a trauma therapist; everything must be included in the report. This will show medical records, in detail, and the repercussions of the accident on your well-being.

It may just be what you need to win your truck accident case and get the compensation you deserve.

A Police Sketch

A police sketch could be one of the most important documents needed in order to win your truck accident claim. It goes a long way in showing exactly how the accident happened and who’s at fault.

Now, it may not seem like much, but this documentation, along with photos taken at the scene, will show just how bad things were after the accident occurred. This concrete evidence makes case winning ten times easier.

Photos and Videos of the Accident Scene

If there are no police sketches, photos would be your next best thing to have as evidence. As mentioned earlier, a bad accident would have caused serious damage to both the truck and the victim’s vehicle. This is why it’s important that you document all the damage with accurate photos so you can use these as leverage when meeting with your lawyer.

If there are surveillance cameras around the area of impact, make sure to ask for footage from those. If any other vehicles were involved, you might find footage of them as well. Furthermore, there’s bound to be a witness with a video of the accident, so talk to them and have them send the video evidence to you.

Your Employment Records

Employment records are necessary in order for your lawyer to calculate how much wages you may have lost after the accident occurred.

It’s important that you provide an estimate of how many hours you missed due to injuries sustained, so your lawyer would be able to calculate the losses accordingly.

All Insurance Policies

When it comes to truck accidents, insurance companies are always quick to start investigating and looking for ways to lessen their payout. This is why you need to provide all your insurance policies to your lawyer so they can start building a case against the other party right away.

It would be best if you had all the contact information of the people involved in the accident so your lawyer could contact them easily.

Witness Statements

Statements from witnesses are very important as it’s evidence from those who have seen the accident first hand. It doesn’t matter if these people are completely unrelated to you, as long as they can help provide crucial information regarding what happened during the accident.

In some cases, however, witnesses can be unreliable since they may misinterpret facts and come up with whatever story suits them best. That said, bring all witness documents you think would improve your truck accident case and make sure you win your truck accident claim. Your lawyer will talk to them and determine who’s credible enough to testify on your behalf.

Documents Related to the Driver and Truck

If you were hit by a truck, it’s important to gather as much information about the driver and truck as possible. This includes the driver’s name, contact information, insurance information, and license plate number. These are essential and must be on your truck accident document checklist.

You should also try to get a copy of the driver’s commercial driving license and insurance policy. If you can, try to get the truck’s mechanical and safety history as well. This information will help your lawyer build a strong case against the driver and trucking company.

Other Documents and Evidence

Other documents such as receipts for vehicle repairs will help your lawyer understand how much money to ask for as compensation. Provide other evidence such as texts and voicemail messages between you and other involved parties. The lawyer will know what to expect when filing a lawsuit against the defendant in court.

Although there is no fixed number when it comes to how much you would receive in compensation, all these documents will help your attorney finalize a settlement that’s less frustrating. For full compensation, ensure these appear on your truck accident document checklist.

Truck Accident Document Checklist: Must-Have Documents for Your Truck Accident Case

When meeting with your lawyer, make sure to have all these documents on our truck accident document checklist ready. Having these documents will make the process easier for your lawyer. They'll maximize your chances of getting the compensation you deserve.

If you don’t have all the documents mentioned in this article, don’t worry, as your lawyer can help you get them. Just be sure to contact a good truck accident lawyer as soon as possible after the accident occurred.

That said, if you need a truck accident lawyer, please get in touch with us today for a free case evaluation.

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