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Savannah Pedestrian Ordinances: Navigating the City on Foot

Navigating the historic streets of Savannah as a pedestrian can be a delightful experience. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety while walking in the bustling cityscape. Understanding the Savannah pedestrian ordinances, traffic control signals, and how to safely cross intersections are essential aspects of ensuring a secure journey on foot. In this blog post, we’ll explore these topics and delve into the efforts made by Savannah’s city government and community leaders, such as Alderwoman Kesha Gibson Carter, to further enhance pedestrian safety.

From understanding the city’s Savannah pedestrian ordinances to learning about the advocacy of Alderwoman Kesha Gibson Carter, this blog post will provide valuable insights into the world of pedestrian safety in Savannah. By the end of this post, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to safely navigate Savannah’s intersections and roadways and be inspired to contribute to the ongoing efforts to create a safer environment for all.

Key Takeaways

  • Savannah’s pedestrian ordinances ensure safety and efficient traffic flow.
  • Traffic control signals and crosswalks must be obeyed, pedestrians yield to motor vehicles, sidewalks provide safe pathways with specific rules for usage.
  • City government initiatives educate drivers & pedestrians on importance of pedestrian safety through pilot projects, messaging & enforcement of laws.

Understanding Savannah's Pedestrian Ordinances

traffic sign, traffic signs, sign

Keeping pedestrians safe in Savannah largely depends on the city’s pedestrian ordinances. These rules guide pedestrian behavior, from obeying traffic control signals to yielding to vehicles and using sidewalks correctly. The sections below detail the specific rules for traffic control signals, motor vehicles, and sidewalk usage in Savannah.

Familiarity with Savannah’s pedestrian ordinances not only guarantees your safety but also contributes to efficient traffic flow throughout the city. Both residents and visitors must grasp these regulations. So, let’s examine the specifics of Savannah’s pedestrian ordinances.

Traffic Control Signals and Pedestrian Crossings

Traffic control signals and pedestrian crossings form the backbone of pedestrian safety. These mechanisms work together to create a safe environment for those on foot, allowing them to cross busy intersections without the fear of being struck by a motor vehicle. A proper understanding of how to use these crossings is key to your safety on Savannah’s streets.

In Savannah, there are two types of pedestrian crossings: marked intersections and unmarked crosswalks. Marked crosswalks are characterized by painted lines on the road, denoting the specified area for pedestrians to traverse. Unmarked crosswalks, however, lack painted lines, yet are still regarded as legitimate crossing points for pedestrians. For your safety, always cross the street at designated crosswalks and obey traffic control signals.

Motor Vehicles and Pedestrian Right-of-Way

pedestrians, people, busy

In Savannah, both drivers and pedestrians share responsibilities regarding the right-of-way. Pedestrians are required to cede right-of-way to all vehicles on the roadway, whereas drivers must yield the right-of-way, reduce speed, or come to a stop when a pedestrian or vehicle is occupying the opposite half of the roadway.

The ordinance for pedestrians crossing in city right-of-ways for motor vehicles includes the following rules:

  • Prohibiting occupying city-owned medians
  • Prohibiting seeking business, money, or employment from the occupant of any vehicle
  • Prohibiting obstructing traffic in any other manner

Pedestrians must yield the right of way to all vehicles on the roadway when crossing the roadway at any point other than a marked or an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. This holds true, no matter the circumstance. Understanding and adhering to these rules allows both pedestrians and drivers to foster a safer environment on Savannah’s streets.

Sidewalks and Walkways

Sidewalks and walkways, integral to Savannah’s pedestrian infrastructure, offer safe spaces for people to walk next to bustling roads. In Savannah, sidewalks are defined as the portion of a street between the curb lines or the lateral lines of a railway and the adjacent property lines, intended for use by pedestrians. Knowing and following the rules governing sidewalk and walkway usage is critical for everyone’s safety.

Particular regulations concerning sidewalk and walkway usage in Savannah include:

  • Lot owners are obligated to repair sidewalks (Sec. 4-1042)
  • Sidewalks must be constructed, reconstructed, or repaired at the expense of lot owners
  • Bicycles should not be ridden on sidewalks, except for children below 12 years of age or as otherwise specified

Compliance with these regulations ensures a safe and enjoyable walking experience in the city.

Alderwoman Kesha Gibson Carter's Advocacy

crosswalk, pedestrian, over there

Alderwoman Kesha Gibson Carter is a public servant in Savannah, Georgia, who has made it her mission to ensure public safety and promote the cause of safer streets in the city. Her dedication and advocacy have played a significant role in raising awareness about pedestrian safety and inspiring change in Savannah’s traffic regulations ordinance.

Alderwoman Gibson Carter’s fervor for public safety has significantly contributed to evolving efforts to bolster pedestrian safety in Savannah. The sections below delve into the history of the quest for safer streets, recent actions taken by the Savannah City Council, and the influence of Alderwoman Gibson Carter’s advocacy.

Long Time Coming: The Fight for Safer Streets

The fight for safer streets in Savannah has a long history, with the adoption of the Vision Zero initiative being a major milestone. This strategy aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe mobility for all. The City of Savannah has set a goal of achieving zero traffic deaths within the city limits by 2027. This initiative encompasses efforts to enhance pedestrian safety and mobility citywide, addressing historical inequities.

Alderwoman Kesha Gibson Carter has been a vocal proponent for the enhancement of pedestrian safety and mobility in Savannah, actively promoting the adoption of the Vision Zero initiative and other measures. Despite facing challenges such as exchanging vulgar insults with another council member and facing ethics complaints, Alderwoman Gibson Carter remains committed to her mission of creating safer streets for all Savannah residents and visitors.

Recent City Council Actions

The Savannah City Council has taken significant steps in recent years to improve pedestrian safety throughout the city. These steps include:

  • Adopting the Vision Zero initiative
  • Implementing new crosswalks to increase pedestrian safety in high foot traffic areas
  • Passing an ordinance prohibiting pedestrians from obstructing the flow of traffic by soliciting from vehicles.

These actions reflect the council’s commitment to creating a safer environment for pedestrians in Savannah and are a testament to the advocacy efforts of Alderwoman Gibson Carter. Collaborative efforts among the city council, community leaders, and Savannah residents can further progress towards a safer, more pedestrian-friendly city.

Navigating Savannah's Intersections and Roadways

buildings, pedestrian crossing, city

For pedestrians in Savannah, understanding how to safely traverse the city’s intersections and roadways is vital for a secure and enjoyable experience. By understanding the rules and regulations governing pedestrian crossing in these areas, you can confidently traverse Savannah’s streets without fear of accidents or injury.

The sections below elucidate:

  • The differences between marked and unmarked crosswalks
  • The safe instances for leaving the curb suddenly
  • Highway crossing safety tips to help navigate Savannah’s intersections and roadways safely.

Marked vs. Unmarked Crosswalks

Understanding the differences between marked and unmarked crosswalks is crucial for pedestrian safety in Savannah. A marked crosswalk is an intersection characterized by painted lines on the road, denoting the specified area for pedestrians to traverse. Unmarked crosswalks, however, lack painted lines, yet are still regarded as legitimate crossing points for pedestrians.

When using marked and unmarked crosswalks, it is essential to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the city. Pedestrians must yield to all vehicles if they are crossing at any point other than a well marked crosswalk or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. Right of way should be given to vehicles in such situations. This practice enhances your safety and that of other road users.

When to Suddenly Leave the Curb

Knowing when it is safe to suddenly leave the curb and enter the roadway is crucial for pedestrian safety in Savannah. Pedestrians may only suddenly leave the curb in certain scenarios or conditions, such as when:

  • crossing at a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection
  • crossing at a signalized intersection when the pedestrian signal indicates it is safe to do so
  • crossing at a mid-block crosswalk
  • crossing at a location where there is a pedestrian refuge island

They must always give the right of way to vehicles while crossing any point on the road. This includes both marked crosswalk, and unmarked crosswalks.

To determine if it is safe to cross the street, pedestrians should assess the distance and speed of oncoming motor vehicles first. It is essential to avoid suddenly entering the path of a vehicle that is too close for the driver to yield. Safety on Savannah’s streets is assured by exercising caution and observing the rules.

Highway Crossing Safety Tips

Crossing a highway in Savannah can be daunting, but with the right highway safety tips, you can confidently navigate these busy roadways. When traversing highways, it is recommended to:

  • Utilize designated crosswalks and intersections when feasible
  • Make use of sidewalks when possible
  • Face traffic while walking
  • Make eye contact with drivers at crosswalks before stepping off the curb

In addition to these safety tips, be aware of the specific dangers associated with crossing highways, such as high-speed traffic, a lack of suitable pedestrian infrastructure, and drivers not adhering to yielding to pedestrians. Staying alert and making smart decisions when crossing highways reduces accident risks and enhances your safety on Savannah’s roads.

Educating Drivers and Pedestrians

traffic light, mainzelmännchen, traffic lights

Education is a key factor in promoting pedestrian safety in Savannah. Both drivers and pedestrians must be aware of the rules and regulations governing their behavior on the city’s streets. Through various educational initiatives and community involvement, significant strides are being made to teach drivers and pedestrians alike about the importance of pedestrian safety.

The sections below outline the city government’s efforts to educate drivers and pedestrians about traffic rules and the significance of pedestrian safety. We will also discuss the role of community organizations and schools in promoting traffic and pedestrian safety education.

City Government Initiatives

The city government of Savannah is actively engaged in promoting pedestrian safety through various initiatives. These include:

  • Conducting annual bicycle and pedestrian pilot projects to test new safety treatments
  • Coordinating and promoting safety messaging
  • Hosting education classes and workshops

Additionally, the city government emphasizes the rights and responsibilities of both pedestrians and drivers to ensure safety at crosswalks. They work closely with law enforcement to enforce traffic laws, thereby guaranteeing the safety of pedestrians on the streets of Savannah.

Such initiatives exemplify the city government’s commitment to ensuring a safer environment for all who navigate Savannah’s streets.

Community Involvement

Community participation plays a pivotal role in promoting pedestrian safety in Savannah. Various community-led initiatives have been established in order to promote pedestrian safety, such as the Vision Zero traffic safety plan and a public-private partnership spearheaded by Healthy Savannah and the YMCA.

Schools in Savannah are also playing a vital role in pedestrian safety education. They collaborate with organizations like Healthy Savannah and the YMCA to identify safety barriers and enhance pedestrian safety, particularly for students walking to school. Collaborative efforts between the city government, community organizations, and Savannah residents can further progress towards a safer, more pedestrian-friendly city.


In conclusion, pedestrian safety is a crucial aspect of life in Savannah. By understanding the city’s pedestrian ordinances, learning about the advocacy efforts of Alderwoman Kesha Gibson Carter, and becoming knowledgeable about how to safely navigate Savannah’s intersections and roadways, both residents and visitors can contribute to a safer environment for all.

It is essential for everyone to play their part in promoting pedestrian safety, whether that means adhering to traffic regulations, advocating for better infrastructure, or educating others about the importance of pedestrian safety. Together, we can create a safer and more enjoyable experience for all who walk the enchanting streets of Savannah.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do pedestrians have the right of way in Georgia?

In Georgia, pedestrians have the right of way if they are in either a marked walk, or unmarked crosswalk. Drivers must yield to them regardless of whether they have a green light or not.

Is jaywalking illegal in Savannah Georgia?

Jaywalking is illegal in Savannah, GA and can result in a fine of $54. It is forbidden to abruptly an unmarked crosswalk or depart the outside of a crosswalk, curb or other safe area and run or walk into the path of a vehicle that is so close that it is difficult for the driver to signal a full stop sign.

Is there a leash law in Savannah GA?

The City of Savannah's Leash Law requires that all pets be leashed when visiting City parks, squares, business and residential areas, so there is a leash law in Savannah GA.

Is Savannah pedestrian friendly?

Savannah is a pedestrian-friendly city, with most streets, lanes and walkways easily walkable and well-marked. Its historic district is compact and offers plenty of sights to take in on foot, while Mobility & Parking Services helps to further expand its walkability.

What is the purpose of pedestrian ordinances in Savannah?

Pedestrian ordinances in the city of Savannah are designed to ensure safety, requiring pedestrians to obey traffic signals, yield to motor vehicles, and use sidewalks and walkways properly.

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